2024 PMSF International Family Conference Announcement

The PMSF International Family Conference was established in the year 2000 and has since been planned biennially on even years. As you know, COVID concerns and uncertainties caused cancellations of the in-person conference in 2020 and 2022. Instead, PMSF has opted to offer a virtual conference throughout 2022 and continue on schedule with the in-person PMSF International Family Conference in 2024. 

Our Global Partners also host conferences during the odd numbered years. In 2023, one of our French partners and our Australian partner will be holding conferences. Anyone is welcome to attend and we will be sure to share these events when details are finalized.

This arrangement works well for us, as planning the U.S. conference takes a full year.  Finding the best location, negotiating contracts with the hotel, day care, AV and other supports, and organizing activities and sessions start the year prior. There’s still plenty of work to do the year of the conference both beforehand and during,  so if you’re inclined to volunteer, we’d love for you to reach out and let us know by emailing us at conference@pmsf.org

We want 2024 to be the best reunion for families who’ve attended in the past, and a life changing experience for those attending for the first time. 

We can’t wait! 
