Phelan Lucky 2022 Is Here!

Phelan Lucky

We’re so excited: PHELAN LUCKY 2022 has kicked off!

PHELAN LUCKY is an online T-shirt/sweatshirt campaign that began back in 2014 and has taken the world by storm.

The online campaign takes place for a strict 22-day period—from Jan. 2, 2022, through Jan. 24, 2022! It’s also the only time of year to get your hands on the coveted “PHELAN LUCKY” T-shirt. Purchase yours here.

The enthusiasm that surrounds this campaign is contagious!

Ready to get involved? Here’s how.

First, “Like” and “Follow” Phelan Lucky on Social Media


  • Invite friends to “like” and “follow” these accounts, as well.
  • React to, comment on and share posts.
  • Once the campaign kicks off, share the link to order a T-shirt with family, friends, coworkers, or anyone you think should be PHELAN LUCKY.

If you have any questions about this year’s campaign, please email

And remember, to purchase your Phelan Lucky 2022 shirt, just click here.

Here’s to #PHELANLUCKY in 2022!