Bringing Everyone to the Table in 2018
PMSF initiated the Phelan-McPosium to bring families affected by PMS, clinicians, and researchers together to design patient-centered rigorous clinical and translational…
PMSF initiated the Phelan-McPosium to bring families affected by PMS, clinicians, and researchers together to design patient-centered rigorous clinical and translational…
Reading and understanding your genetic report is like reading a foreign language. Often the report is presented in a way that…
2017 PMSF Stanford Mini-symopsium
The Clinical Care Guidelines infographic is a tool that can be used by patients to begin discussions with their own clinician. Please note that all cases of PMS are different and your doctor/clinician is the best resource to help you make clinical care decisions for your loved one.
Audrey Thurm, PhD presented on communication in individuals with PMS, in a talk entitled “Let’s Talk about More than Just Talking: Language, Communication, and Social Behavior in PMS”. This presentation provided an overview of important definitions as well as current literature on language, communication, and social communication in PMS.
A white paper based on the 2016 McPosium presenation titled, "Cognitive Issues in PMS" presented by
These PMS Pharmacological Recommendations were developed by the PMS_Neuropsychiatric Consultation Group (PMS_NCG). These algorithms describe treatment suggestions for PMS individuals who have PMS who also carry a diagnosis of ADHD, Sleep Disturbance, Irritability and Aggression, Mood Cycling, and/or Catatonia.
These PMS Pharmacological Recommendations were developed by the PMS_Neuropsychiatric Consultation Group (PMS_NCG). These algorithms describe treatment suggestions for PMS individuals who have PMS who also carry a diagnosis of ADHD, Sleep Disturbance, Irritability and Aggression, Mood Cycling, and/or Catatonia.