Suivi des tests génétiques dans le syndrome de Phelan-McDermid – French
A graphic explaining possible reqirements for follow-on genetic testing
A graphic explaining possible reqirements for follow-on genetic testing
The Clinical Care Guidelines infographic is based on a publication titled “Phelan-McDermid syndrome: a review of the literature and practice parameters for medical assessment and monitoring” Kolevzon et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2014, Sinai Seaver Autism Center. This infographic is a tool that can be used by patients to begin discussions with their own clinician. Please note that all cases of PMS are different and your doctor/clinician is the best resource to help you make clinical care decisions for your loved one.
These PMS Pharmacological Recommendations were developed by the PMS_Neuropsychiatric Consultation Group (PMS_NCG). These algorithms describe treatment suggestions for PMS individuals who have PMS who also carry a diagnosis of ADHD, Sleep Disturbance, Irritability and Aggression, Mood Cycling, and/or Catatonia.