PMSF Releases the first in a series of Quick Resource Cards
by Diane Linnehan, Director of Operations and Jenn Carter, Mom to Sloane
The cards were created at the request of and with input from parents whose child/adult with PMS has experienced neuropsychiatric regression. In the words of one Phelan-McDermid mom:
“My family is very excited about the release of a PMS specific Neuropsych QR code card. My daughter had a long stretch of neuropsychiatric symptoms (crying, agitation, anxiety, depression) which led to marked confusion and loss of skills. Upon being admitted to the hospital, I quickly realized no one knew how to move forward with treatment.
A QR code leading the medical providers to information about neuropsychiatric conditions within our PMS community would have been invaluable to us during this acute medical crisis. I hope that families will use the printable cards and keep the QR codes on hand so that if they end up in a similar situation they will have resources in hand to get medical teams moving towards proper treatment plans.”